This member of the Spit-in-the-Ocean family is also called Cincinnati Liz. This is the same game as Cincinnati except that the lowest card exposed in the widow and all other cards of the same rank are wild. Five cards are dealt face down to each player, with five more dealt face down to the widow. The cards in the widow are exposed one at a time, with a betting round after each one. In the showdown, each player may select any five cards from among his hand and the five cards in the widow. With ten cards and four wild cards to choose from, it usually takes a straight flush to win. Remember, though, that strong cards in the widow are shared by everyone. Also beware that the rank of the wild card can suddenly change the strength of your hand. See also Cincinnati, Omaha, Proctor and Gamble, Round the World, Spit-in-the-Ocean, Stormy Weather, Tennessee, and Wild Widow.